Sugar dating is a form of dating that has been popular for a number of years and it is by no means a new concept. As we understand that some people may be interested in sugar dating, it has been included on RedHotPie as an interest. However please note that sugar dating must adhere to our Terms of Use.
While we take no issue with users mentioning on RedHotPie that they would like an allowance or gifts in exchange for dates or companionship (as per the commonly accepted definition of sugar dating), there should be NO discussion of specific sums of money to be provided for specific sexual or other services (including online content, goods etc.), for a specific duration of time if applicable.
Anyone who suggests on RedHotPie that they will provide sex for financial reward should be reported to us immediately. Conversely, anyone who offers financial reward for sexual or other services should be blocked and reported to us immediately.
If you are not interested in sugar dating then please make sure you have not selected this option as an interested in your Account area (Edit Profile), and instead, please add it as a 'Dealbreaker'. This way you will be advised if anyone you try to message has interest in that type of dating, so it's up to you to pursue contact or not.