Pending: Phone number and photo verification may take up to 3 working days, although in most cases verification is done on the same day. If after three days your number/photo has not been verified, then you may assume that your phone number or photo was not valid for verification.
Number not listed: For phone numbers, please ensure that you have listed your phone number on the website first. We cannot verify phone numbers that do not exist on the system. Please also refer to the detailed instructions given for phone number verification.
Incorrect Number: If the number you are SMSing from does not match what is listed on our website under your profile, it will not be verified. If the username supplied does not match the profile attempting to verify the number, it will not be verified.
Invalid Photo: For photo verification, please refer to the detailed instructions given for photo verification. If you send us a photo that does not comply with the verification instructions it will not be accepted. Photo verification is not an automated process and real humans will be approving the photos!