RedHotPie is committed to providing our members with a secure, comfortable environment. We reserve the right to crop or reject any photo at our discretion without explanation and no correspondence will be entered in to. Photos will not appear on RedHotPie until the review team approves them.
Please strictly adhere to the following photo rules:
- All persons depicted in any photo/s must be 18 years of age or older and/or, in the view of the RedHotPie reviewers, look 18 years or older. If any person underage is visible in the photo, even incidentally in the background, the photo/s will be rejected.
- You must be in the photo and clearly visible (i.e. the main subject of the photo). Photo/s must contain at least your face or body to be allowed in the public gallery of your profile.
- No dead or assaulted animals allowed in any photos (including fishing photos).
- No photos depicting drugs or drug taking, guns/weapons, violence (including hard/heavy bondage or BDSM resulting in evidence of severe trauma to the person), or any other illegal act/s.
- Cartoon characters, memes and photos of celebrities are copyrighted and will not be posted, nor will any other photos of inanimate objects or photos not containing yourself.
- App Stores have policies that prohibit "objectionable sexually explicit user-generated content" (any content, including photos, that you may be able to contribute to RedHotPie). As such, any photo/s you upload to RedHotPie that do not meet these App Store policies will not be displayed in your profile on the App versions of RedHotPie.
- Photo/s that you wish to appear in the public gallery of your profile are subject to classification – either Restricted or Un-restricted. Restricted photos are photos that depict genitals, any sexual acts or simulated sexual acts and sex toys/objects (whether being used or not). In the instances of App Store applications, restricted photos also include bare buttocks and bare female breasts. Restricted photos will only be viewable on mobile or desktop web browser versions of RedHotPie to eligible members who have been age verified.
- If you are a single user (ie - single male, female etc.), you are only permitted to post photos of yourself (i.e. you must be the main subject of the photo). Any accompanying or incidental person/s appearing in a photo must be cropped out of the photo or made unidentifiable (eg - use of photo editing means to conceal face or anything else that may allow identification). Photos that contain a second or more identifiable person will be rejected.
- If you are a couple, only photos that depict yourself and your partner will be permitted. Any accompanying or incidental person/s appearing in a photo must be cropped out of the photo or made unidentifiable (eg - use of photo editing means to conceal face or anything else that may allow identification). Photos that contain a third or more identifiable person will be rejected. Both persons appearing in any photo must have given consent for any photo to be upload to, and viewable on, RedHotPie.
- Photos depicting email addresses, phone numbers, other contact details, URL’s, or businesses or brands will be rejected and may result in your account being cancelled. However, people who choose to 'watermark' their photos for copyright purposes may do so by using their RedHotPie username. Photos that include watermarks which indicate that the photo may be copyrighted will be rejected.