RedHotPie Chat is for adults only. No one under the age of 18 may appear on webcam or participate in the chats. This includes minors that may be in background during streaming.
Please do not direct people who appear on webcam, especially in a sexual manner. Do not tell people to undress or perform acts, or generally comment unnecessarily about their activities.
Only the account owner may appear on webcam. Singles may only appear as a single and must not stream third parties. Couples must appear as a couple and should take care to stop streaming if one partner no longer can appear.
Please only discuss appropriate topics that are in spirit of RedHotPie. Keep it light and fun. Discussion of drugs, violence or other illegal matters will not be tolerated.
Please treat others how you would like to be treated. If you do not have anything nice to say, say nothing.
Do not spam the room. This means repeatedly posting the same message, usually about trying to meet people. If you wish to let people know you're seeking to meet, please use Messenger to contact people directly.
If a chatter is behaving abusively or inappropriately then please block that user and report them to RedHotPie (via the Report button) immediately. Please DO NOT engage with an abusive chatter or you may find yourself reported also.
Please block chatters you do not wish to interact with or find annoying rather than addressing them directly.
Please do not post any private contact details (yours or other people’s) in the chat room.