A Forum post may be removed for various reasons. If a Topic has been posted a number of times in the recent past, a moderator may have chosen to not approve the Topic. If that is the case, we suggest waiting a little longer before posting again or looking for similar Topics. If your Forum post was deemed problematic, it may have been deleted. Sometimes it is not so much the Topic itself but the predicted negative response it may receive based on previous experience. In such a case, we recommend wording your post differently or advising posters to take care with their responses. It may be that your post was in breach of our Terms of Use - if it contains contact details, external links or discussion of illegal activity, it will not be posted. A post will also be deleted if it is simply a personal advertisement encouraging users to contact the poster.
Please also note that our adult forums were designed to be a positive, light-hearted space for members to discuss a range of issues, so if your topic was deemed to be contradictory to this it would not have been approved. Other than that, it is entirely possible for a topic or response to have been deleted by mistake. If that is the case we welcome our members to try posting again. If it does not fit any of the above and still fails to appear the second or more times, then please let us know by contacting Customer Support here.