Sadly some people see fit to ’borrow’ other people’s photos in the hope of passing them off as their own. While RHP has some basic preventative measures in place, there is NO absolute way to prevent photos from being captured from the Internet. In short, if you can see an image on your computer screen, it can be copied and used easily if someone has the know-how.
The only way you can ensure that your photos are not misused is to watermark them. Watermarking involves using a photo editor to put a stamp over your photos before uploading them to a website. Most people use their RHP username as a watermark which makes it more difficult for people to pass photos off as their own. Other than that, we also recommend that people save their more personal or sensitive photos to their private gallery and only share access to it with people they feel they can trust. If you no longer wish to be in touch with a particular member then we recommend that you remove gallery access via My Lists (see next FAQ).
If you note a member using photos that are yours or belong to someone you know, then please notify RHP right away via the Help Form.